Se sei tra i lettori frequentatori da qualche anno, allora saprai bene che l’ argomento blog mi interessa parecchio. Di tanto in tanto trovo spunti di riflessione sull’argomento, affascinanti e che meritano la ricondivisione.Ad esempio, la blogosfera dovrebbe adattarsi a un pubblico differente rispetto a quando è stata pensata. Chi oggi si sognerebbe mai di cliccare su un tag per approfondire un argomento specifico?

But this is not typically how readers read blogs. Not many people read this blog, but those who do typically just read the most recent posts — three days back, max. I add links to earlier posts, but almost no one clicks on them. People don’t click on tags either.

And I think that’s because we have all been trained by social media to skim the most recent things and then go on to something else. We just don’t do deeper dives any more. So one of the things I want to be thinking about is: How can I encourage readers of my blog to seek some of the benefits that I get from it?

I am still hoping for a Blogging Renaissance, but lately I’m thinking that one necessary element of a true renaissance will be to get the readers of blogs on the same page as the writers. Everyone who writes a blog for a while knows that one of the best things about it is the way it allows you to revisit themes and topics. You connect one post to another by linking to it; you connect many posts together by tagging.

Tuttavia, nel mentre si aspetta una “riforma” delle piattaforme CMS, i creatori di contenuto devono e possono darsi una mossa. È tremendamente facile aprirne uno e non ci sono scusanti.

Brent Simmons is right: It’s weird to see people bemoan the decline of blogging and do it on Twitter. You can blog! You can blog for free if you want! (Though the best options require a few bucks.) Get over your social-media Stockholm Syndrome and start doing the thing you know is better. Cross-post to Twitter or Facebook if you must, but own your turf and tend your garden. Now that you can register your own domain name at you have no excuse: it’s easy-peasy.

E se non sei un creatore, ma un avido lettore di contenuti di qualità, anche questo spunto è saggio e merita menzione. Perché dare spazio a tanta spazzatura social quando si possono trovare gemme nascoste?

Here’s the thing: there are good blogs to read. Some old ones are gone, but new good ones are created all the time.

And there are good RSS readers which you can use instead of (or in addition) to Twitter and Facebook.

And — most importantly — nothing is stopping you from writing joyfully and creatively for the web! You can entertain, you can have fun, you can push the boundaries of the form, if you want to. Or you can just write about cats as you develop your voice. Whatever you want!

There are plenty of great places for it. (I quite like, personally.)

You choose the web you want. But you have to do the work.

A lot of people are doing the work. You could keep telling them, discouragingly, that what they’re doing is dead. Or you could join in the fun.

Again: you choose.