The internet has enough fakeness. It has enough hot takes, perfect websites, and thoughts on the latest political/news stories. Write about you, write about the person behind the screen who wants to be seen and heard. Write about what makes you tick and what makes you happy. That's the blog I want to read and that's the type of blogs we need if we want to make a better internet. We don't need another news blog, we need something folks can relate to and something you can show your not so tech savvy friends that makes them think, "Wow, the internet can be something more than just Facebook, TikTok, or Twitter. Maybe I should stop scrolling for a second?"

Oggi ho scoperto un nuovo blog. E già per me è una notizia positiva per la giornata. Se poi si tratta di relazioni digitali e come esse possano essere veicolate attraverso un blog personale ancora meglio.

Nell’incentivare le persone ad avere un blog personale, Brandon centra secondo me un punto importante dell’esposizione del sé in Rete:

"What if people don't like this? What if people don't like me?" But what is the alternative? Make a fancy blog, that looks perfect and discusses things I'm not truly passionate about? To create a facade that I am someone that I'm not. How is that any different than social media?

Scrivere online e farlo tutti i giorni, con costanza, scambiandolo quasi per un dovere a volte costa fatica e non sempre è facile, come scrive un’altro blogger, Greg:

To be honest, I am only here because it's a habit, and I like playing around with my website. It's fine to write about your life and other such interests. My favourite blogs to follow do exactly that, but it's absolutely understandable if you don't want to do that. Blogging isn't easy, and no amount of rose-tinting will change that, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

Questo però non dovrebbe fermarvi dal farlo. Da provare a riappropriarvi di uno spazio vostro, senza algoritmi, dove lasciare una traccia, qualsiasi essa sia, di voi stessi. Fatevi conoscere, condividete le vostre passioni, ansie, gioie, paure, fallimenti.

C’è sicuramente qualcun altro che ha vissuto lo stesso, si potrà riconoscere in voi e forse sentirsi meno solo.